The Passion 

***This article is part of a book entitled THE COMING EPIPHANY which provides a Biblical explanation about the "things which will shortly come to pass."  Click HERE to find out more.***



One of the most publicized and controversial films of all time is Mel Gibson’s movie entitled “The Passion.”  Months before its release the film was being talked about and debated.  Since its release in Feb. of 2004 it has smashed box office records and brought audiences to tears with its depiction of the last 12 hours of Christ’s life.  Some Christians are heralding this Biblical movie as a great spiritual experience, while other Christians are saying that the film is evil.  I am all for Biblical films but just because a film comes out that claims Biblical connections a Christian should not automatically accept it without first investigating whether it is from God or not.  For there are allot of Biblically based films that promote error.  A Christian is admonished to be discerning and should have “their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”  (Heb 5:14)  We are also told to in I Jn 4:1 “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God.”  Here is what my investigation of The Passion has revealed. 


1.      The film teaches Catholic doctrine.  The doctrines of the resacrificing of Christ in the Mass, transubstantiation and the deity of Mary as co-redemptress and many other Catholic doctrines are brought forth, emphasized, and taught.  This is accomplished through various means throughout the film. Here is what a cutting edge author had this to say about it “This movie is Roman Catholic through and through! Not only did we see that it was a depiction of the daily Catholic Mass, but the people of Former Catholics For Christ saw 13 out of the 14 Stations of the Cross accurately shown, but also the five sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary!”[1]  Here is what Mel Gibson said about how the movie is being used to teach Catholic doctrine.  “The goal of the movie is to shake modern audiences by brashly juxtaposing the sacrifice of the cross with the sacrifice of the altar- which is the same thing.”  Catholics believe that every time a mass is said that Jesus is recrucified, this we know is heretical because Christ died once for all.  Thus even Gibson himself admits that the purpose of the film is to teach Catholic doctrine.  Even the choice of language was for this purpose “The language decisions in The Passion of Christ were made for theological reasons: It is crucial to realize that the images and language at the heart of The passion of the Christ flow directly out of Gibson’s personal dedication to Catholicism in one of its most traditional and mysterious forms – the 16th – century Latin Mass.”[2]  Gibson is a staunch Catholic and he stated in reference to the movie “it reflects my beliefs.”  A full discussion of the catholic doctrines taught in the film would be too lengthy for a discussion here.  Cutting Edge has written an excellent article in regards to this matter, which can be read at their site and is linked below.


2.      The film was touted as being based on and accurate to the Gospels, however that was not the case.  It is true that the film does contain some Biblical truths but much of what was depicted in the film came from Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824), an Augustinian nun who “suffered” from the stigmata (one who displays the wounds of Christ.)  Anne Emmerich’s book entitled “The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ,” contains satanic visions of the events surrounding the crucifixion.  The catholic picture at the beginning of this article depicts such an occurrence, notice the eye of horus (satan) giving Anne the vision.  Here is what catholic author Dominic Crossan said about this fact, “Mel Gibson uses a ‘hidden script’ based on visions of a German nun in making his film. Before you see Mel Gibson's film, "The Passion of the Christ," read the script. I don't mean the film's actual script, or even the New Testament, upon which the film is based. Rather, I mean the hidden script: The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ [3] Mel Gibson even showed Diane Sawyer an old relic from Anne Emmerich that he carries with him.  Mel Gibson said this about the visions of Anne Emmerich “Amazing images, she supplied me with stuff I never would have thought of.”[4]  Thus the film went beyond scripture and added elements from satan’s version of the crucifixion and not God’s as revealed in the Bible.  Consider the words of Pastor Andrew Webb on this subject “By introducing extra-biblical elements, not only does the Passion of Christ change some of the theological emphases of the Biblical account of Christ’s crucifixion, but it will also create a false impression amongst the very ‘seekers’ that Evangelicals are trying to reach, that things were said and done at the crucifixion that did not actually happen….For modern Evangelicals to embrace a vehicle that is inauthentic in order to achieve evangelistic ends indicates a serious decline in faithfulness.”[5] 


3.      The film not only contained extra biblical satanically revealed information but also overemphasized the physical suffering of the crucifixion to the neglect of the fact that Christ experienced separation from the Father while He was on the cross.  The physical suffering of Christ was intense but in no way did it compare to the spiritual suffering that He endured by being separated from the Father.  When Christ was on the cross God the Father separated Himself from God the Son.  Thus He experienced Hell and atoned for the sins of the world once for all.  The film focuses on the physical suffering and neglects the true suffering that He endured.  “In Roman Catholic theology the intense physical suffering of Christ’s crucifixion is the focus along with the emphasis on physical sacrifice….The theology of the Bible however points out to us that the grand importance of Christ’s crucifixion lay not in His physical suffering, but in His once for all propitiation of God’s wrath.”[6]  As a result the true gospel of salvation by faith in the atoning work of Christ on the cross is not portrayed in the film.  Nor is there any presentation of the gospel at the end of the film.


4.        The film has also been reported to be the most brutal film that many have witnessed in their entire life. This presents a distorted view of the purpose of the death burial and resurrection of our Lord as brought out by this quote.  “Further, these theologians force their adherents to focus on Jesus hanging in agony on the Cross instead of Jesus gloriously raised from the dead! The great emphasis on this movie will be on the crucifixion, with very little emphasis upon His glorious Resurrection!”[7]


5.      The film did not portray the garden of Gethsemane accurately.  Nowhere in scripture do we see satan appearing to Christ in the garden and having a conversation with Him about whether or not his suffering could atone for the sins of the world.  In the film, Christ has no answer for satan who is unbiblically portrayed by a female with a man’s voice.  “Gibson portrays Satan as "Masculine yet feminine". Occultists believe strongly in androgyny, having both female and male characteristics. This also is not biblical, for Satan is never portrayed as anything other than "he" or "him".”[8]  Also all accounts in scripture where satan tempts Christ have Christ replying with scripture to refute satan’s temptations.  That does not occur in the film leading one to possibly believe that satan is right and that Catholic doctrine is right that teaches that Christ alone did not redeem the sins of the world but Mary was a co-redemptress.  This scene also depicts Christ as being afraid; this again is unbiblical.


6.  The film portrays Jesus as being compatible with the coming antichrist.  From 10 minutes into the film to the end, Jesus is portrayed with only one eye.  Even after the resurrection they only show one eye and then his bare buttocks.  This is exactly as illuminati perceive the coming antichrist to be, one-eyed and naked.  “Only when you realize that the Illuminati has long depicted their planned coming Antichrist as a naked one-eyed man does this scene make sense. This combination of scenes -- one-eyed Messiah and naked buttocks -- perfectly fulfills the Illuminist

Antichrist symbol!”[9]  This one-eyed naked antichrist is depicted on the symbol of the CFR as depicted in Dr. Cathy Burn’s book “Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated” p.236.

“Therefore, this movie depicts a "Messiah" who is compatible with this Old Testament Antichrist prophecy and who is compatible with the One-eyed, Left-eyed CFR Antichrist!”[10]  The Old Testament prophecy is found in Zech 11:17 “Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.”  This prophecy is attributed to the antichrist which states that he will be blinded in his right eye.  Could the blinding of the right eye of the antichrist, occur when he receives the deadly wound to the head as recorded in Rev 13:3?  “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”  We will have to wait and see.  But what we are trying to show here is that The Passion portrays Jesus as compatible with the Old Testament antichrist prophecy and compatible with what illuminati envision the antichrist to one day manifest himself as one-eyed and naked.

7.  The film has been designed to “bring Catholics back home. Listen to these quotes from Cutting Edge director David Bay; “The greatest recipient of this movie will be the Roman Catholic Church. This movie is so strongly Catholic that it will reinforce Catholic doctrines in the minds of her devout and lukewarm alike. Family members of Catholics who have spurned the Church are likely to be drawn back because of this most emotionally draining movie.”[11] 

8. The film is bringing Catholics and Protestants close together.  Here is a quote from the same author regarding the melding of Protestantism and Catholicism.  “We feel exactly as our title states, that this movie may produce a dramatic "Paradigm Shift" in people's consciousness that could result in Evangelical Christianity melding solidly with Roman Catholicism!”[12]  Here is what the March-April 2004 issue of "Inside The Vatican, p. 24” said.  "For evangelicals, the film has given them a glimpse inside the Catholic soul, even the traditional Catholic soul. Many Evangelicals, reflecting on what they saw in the movie, say they are beginning to 'get' the whole Catholic thing: Lent ... the ashes on the forehead ... no meat on Friday ... the sorrowful mysteries ... the Stations of the Cross ... the emphasis on the Eucharist ... the devotion to Mary ... the enormous crucifix hanging above every Catholic altar. They may not be rushing out to buy rosaries, necessarily, but some of the things no longer seem so strange, so alien."


It is essential to understand that with a movie that contains such strong emotional stimuli as was depicted in The Passion that a result will be achieved.  This quote brings to light this fact “That’s part of the persuasive power of a well-made film.  It fills our minds and imagination with images that often impact and impress us far more than facts and truth.  Educational change agents know that well.  That’s why they use shocking stories to evoke strong emotions needed to implant new values and worldviews …”[13] So what will be the result of the images that will impact a viewer of The Passion, which most definitely contains strong emotional stimuli?  In fact the emotional stimuli are so strong that one lady was under such mental duress from watching the movie that she died of a heart attack.  What new values and worldviews will be implanted in the minds of the viewers of this film?  Will Catholic doctrines be instilled in those who view it?  Will satan’s vision of the crucifixion be emblazoned upon the minds of those who view it more than the true gospel?  Will its viewers have an inordinate focus on the physical suffering of Christ rather than his separation from the Father, atonement for our sins, and His resurrection?  Will the viewer be primed to accept a one-eyed naked antichrist?  Will Catholics be brought back home and Protestants be drawn closer to Catholicism?  It is hard to predict the paradigm shift that will occur in an individual after watching this movie.  But it is certain that with a film with such strong emotional stimuli those changes will be invoked in many. 


Therefore in conclusion I do not recommend “The Passion.”  Even though the movie contains some Biblical truth, for the reasons outlined above I feel that the movie will inevitably influence people in the wrong way.  In my opinion a Christian has no business subjecting themselves to this inherently satanic film nor giving credence to it.  “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.“  (II Cor 6:17)  If you have already seen the film then I counsel you to ask God to cleanse any evil influence, which may or may not be perceivable, that this film may have had on you.  If you would like to see a film that gives an accurate depiction of the life, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, I highly recommend “The Jesus Film.”  It is accurate to scripture, uses the gospel of Luke for the script, and presents the Gospel at the end of the film.



[1] Cutting Edge newsletter. 3/5/2004.

[2] Berit Kjos.  Mel Gibson’s Passion.

[3] Crossan, Dominic. Beliefnet article.

[4] Peter J. Boyer,  The Jesus War: Mel Gibson & The Passion.  The New Yorker, 9/15/2003.

[5] Pastor Andrew J. Webb, Five Reasons Not to Go See The Passion of Christ.


[6]Berit Kjos.  Mel Gibson’s Passion.

[7] Cutting Edge newsletter #1893.

[8] ibid.

[9] Cutting Edge newsletter. 3/5/2004.

[10] Cutting Edge news article #1898.

[11] ibid. 2/28/2004

[12] ibid. 2/21/2004

[13] Jody Dean, Perspective on ‘The Passion of the Christ.”  Religion Today.