If You Were to Die Today, Would You Be 100% Sure That You Would Go to Heaven? That is the most important question that you could be asked. If you are not 100% sure that you would go to heaven when you die then find out before it is too late.
Powerpoint Gospel Presentation Do you know where you will spend eternity? Are you 100% sure? Find out now.
Comet Elenin and the Pole Shift Theory 3/15/2011 and Beyond It is theorized that comet Elenin caused the 8.8 Chile earthquake in 2010 and will cause future Earth changes and disasters. In this article we examine the theory and consider its legitimacy and implications.
A-lining with Israel There are great circles on the earth that align with prominent locations in the United States and Israel that have profound prophetic implications. I was awestruck by what I was shown, I think you will be too.
The End Times Forecaster We invite you to visit William Frederick's blog; The End Times Forecaster.
Please read this short but important message regarding the information on this website.
The Dollar Code Part 1; There is an encoded map on the dollar bill and you are not going to believe where it leads. There are also encoded dates that you need to know about.
The Dollar Code Part 3; 322 and Health Care What does the encoded date of 2/22/2010 on the dollar bill have to do with health care? You will be surprised by the answer!
Sixth Seal Rapture Did you know that the rapture will not occur until after the sixth seal is opened? This is a conclusion that is easily shown to be true...
Swine Flu in the Bible Codes This article presents a couple of matricies regarding swine flu.
A Chronological Synopsis of the End of the World According to God?s Holy Word; The Bible. What does the Bible?the only sure source of prophecy?say about the end times? This is something everyone should know; yet many have a serious lack of understanding in this area. In order to help others understand what will eventually, and maybe sooner than you think, transpire on the earth I have put together a synopsis of the major prophetic events listed in scripture.
An Expose of 2008: God's Final Witness.There is a book entitled 2008: God?s Final Witness written by Ron Weinland that has a lot of money backing it and promoting it. They are even giving it away for free. Maybe you have seen it appear as paid advertising on a Google prophecy search as I did. Since this book is causing quite a stir, I decided to check it out to see what it says and evaluate it according to the Word of God. What I found was shocking...
A Hypothesis: The Date for the Beginning of WWIII. Many have talked about WWIII ? the planned war that will most likely involve nuclear weapons, result in the death of many, collapse the world economy, bring the world to its knees, and usher in the antichrist as the world ruler. Can we know when this war will begin? While doing some prophecy research I unintentionally came across some information, which enabled me to form a hypothesis concerning when WWIII may begin...
Illuminati Card Game and the Rapture What does the illuminati card game reveal about the timing of the rapture? You will be suprised at the answer!
Rock Music Bible Code Rock Music, Is it Good or Bad? The Bible Codes Reveal the Answer! This is a question that has been hotly debated in the church for quite some time. Some churches have turned to rock music as a way of reaching out to this generation of younger folks; while other churches have been staunchly opposed to it. Upon seeking the Lord and the principles in his Word, I was shown the answer to the question of whether rock music is good or bad. I wrote what I found in a book entitled Christian Rock Music, Wolf or Sheep? To confirm and substantiate the answer, that I had already come to from scripture as put forth in the book, I looked to the Bible codes. Realizing that the Bible code contains time locked information for our generation, what better way to answer a question that is primarily specific to our generation? The answer to that question is set forth in the following matrices.
To Obey or Not to Obey? That is the Question. "What should the Christian?s relationship be toward government? When should a Christian obey or disobey the government? First off, Scripture tells us that we are not to despise government (2 Pet 2:10). We are to pray for those in authority, even the illuminati, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life (1 Tim 2:1-4). The Christian is commanded to obey the governing authorities (Rom 13:1) no matter how evil; we can only disobey the government when they tell us to do something directly against scripture or they perform an illegal action against us...
The Chronology of the Crucifixion One of the most debated topics involving Biblical chronology through out the ages has been the dating of the crucifixion of Jesus. Many have put forth various dates too numerous to mention ranging from the late 20s AD to the late 30s AD. Without going into detail if one considers the decree of Artaxerxes, which we have discussed in the text and most date in either 444 or 445 BC, the birth of Christ, that He started his ministry when He was about 30, and the approximately 3? year ministry of Christ, the only 2 years that are possible for the crucifixion are 32 and 33 A.D. We will examine several facts and apply an analysis of all possible data to determine which of these dates is correct...
An Analysis of C. S. Lewis and the Chronicles of Narnia; The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe On December 9th, 2005 Disney will release a movie based on and named the same as the C.S. Lewis book; The Chronicles of Narnia; The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Many Christians are heralding the movie and for that matter the book as a great Christian work designed to engage the participant in a great spiritual experience. God tells us as a Christian; ?Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.? (I Jn 4:1) In this short paper we will do just that ?try the spirits? to see whether The Chronicles of Narnia are a work of God.
The Bible Codes In recent years the subject of the Bible codes has come to the forefront of mainstream media outlets. The topic has been popularized on talk shows, by best selling books, and through TV documentaries. Some claim to have found Bible code matrices.
Drosnin and the Bible Codes Michael Drosnin in his book Bible code II promoted the theory that aliens started life on earth. He had several Bible code matrices that promoted this theory and even went so far as to suggest that the aliens were responsible for the writing of the Bible and the code it contains...
The Ark of the Covenant Discovered? Biblical archeologist Ron Wyatt while visiting Jerusalem was inspired by a chance encounter with an antiquities director to look for the Ark of the Covenant at the site known as Jeremiah?s grotto. Upon studying the Biblical accounts of the ark, Ron concluded that the ark could possibly be in Jeremiah?s grotto. He then started excavating the area....
The Start of a Hebrew Month Hebrew months started with the ?sighting? of the new moon. The sighting did not occur at the exact time of the new moon. But it occurred when they could see the thin sliver of a crescent moon...
The Passion One of the most publicized and controversial films of all time is Mel Gibson?s movie entitled ?The Passion.? Months before its release the film was being talked about and debated. Since its release in Feb. of 2004 it has smashed box office records and brought audiences to tears with its depiction of the last 12 hours of Christ?s life. Some Christians are heralding this Biblical movie as a great spiritual experience, while other Christians are saying that the film is evil...
A Letter to a Friend Within Christianity there are many different theological systems that deal with many different issues. The way to determine if a theological system or doctrine is correct is to compare it to all of scripture. If the doctrine agrees with all of scripture then it is correct. If it disagrees with or contradicts any of scripture then it is not correct. Thus to judge the correctness of the theology of predestination we will compare it with all of scripture to see if it agrees or disagrees with it...
Spiritual Discernment In the years and months leading up to the return of the Lord many false Christs, false prophets, and false brethren will arise. Christ foretold of this Himself...How do we know if one who claims to be the Messiah, a prophet and or a Christian is who they say that they are?...
Eternal Security When someone becomes a Christian a permanent change takes place, they are translated from the kingdom of the devil to the kingdom of God. ?Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:? (Col 1:13) When one becomes a Christian they become a child of God and are born again and receive the Holy Spirit as a down payment or earnest of their heavenly future....
Righteous Living To be spiritually prepared for the Lord?s return, after making sure that you are a Christian, one also needs to make sure that they are living a righteous life. That is that one is living a life that is without offence toward God and man. There are serious consequences for the believer who is not living in obedience to our Lord?s commands...
Rock Music: Wolf or Sheep? An ?animal? has approached the flock of God and some claim it is a ?sheep? while others are saying that it is a ?wolf in sheep?s clothing.? The ?animal? that has approached the church is Christian rock music. Some maintain that this ?animal? is a ?sheep? or that it is ok for a Christian to listen to Christian rock, but others maintain that it is a ?wolf in sheep?s clothing? or that it is not ok for a Christian to listen to, and that it could destroy a Christian?s life. This article is designed to provide you with information whereby you can decide whether this ?animal,? Christian rock music, is a ?sheep? or a ?wolf.?
The Alien Deception In order for a great falling away to take place I believe that an alternative belief system to what is presented in the Bible will be promoted with such believability that nominal Christians, not true Christians, will reject the God of the Bible. Specifically I am talking about the alternative theory to the Bible that has been promoted by satan in the world for many years, namely; the alien deception. For many years demons have been masquerading as aliens...
The Man of Sin Another sign that will occur before the Day of the Lord as listed in II Thes 2:3 is that the ?man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.? We all know that the man of sin is the antichrist. What does this revealing entail? Verse 4 in II Thes 2 gives us the answer to that...
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